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Locosys ToolsThe Locosys Tools for the Locosys Genie GT-31/BGT31 GPS mouse are a replacement for the main tasks of the NAViLinkII application, which is delivered with the devices.If you can't run windows applications or prefer commandline tools over GUI applications, the Locosys Tools will be useful for you. The Locosys Tools are GPL licensed open source (freeware) written in Python.Included tools
DownloadThe first link contains the Locosys tools as standalone executables for Windows. The zip file must be extracted into a directory, which should be added to the path environment variable to be able to run the programs from any location. This distribution doesn't need Python to be installed on the PC!The second link contains the python scripts, which can be used on any operating system with Python 2.5 or later installed.
Windows standalone executables
of Locosys Tools version 1.0 (zip file) RequirementsPlease note: These requirements are not needed for the Windows standalone executables!
UsageNote: The -o option to specify the output filename is optional and should be used for special needs only. Without this option the tools create and use generic filenames based on the date and time of the first and last point of the containted track and the number of tracks.overview.pyCreate static html file with information about sbp and sbn files. Usage: overview.py [-d directory] [--force-reload] -d: Process sbp and sbn files in directory. --force-reload: Ignore existing google map images and download them again. readlog.pyRead gps tracklogs from Locosys GT-31 or BGT-31 and write them into a .sbp file. Usage: readlog.py [-i] [-v] [-q] [-d outputdir] [-o filename] [--delete] [--deleteWithoutRead] <serial port> -i: Only print info. -v: Print debug info. -q: Quit navilink mode after read/delete. -d: Use output directory. -o: Use output filename. --delete: Delete log from device after successful read. --deleteWithoutRead: Delete log from device without reading it. sbtogpx.pyConvert gps tracklogs from Locosys sbp or sbn file into a single GPS eXchange file. Usage: sbtogpx.py [-z] [-d outputdir] [-o filename] [-t +hh:mm|--autotz] [--maxhdop <value>] [--minsat <value>] <sbp/sbn file> -z: Compress gpx file with gzip. -d: Use output directory. -o: Use output filename. -t: Use timezone for local time (offset to UTC). --autotz: Determine timezone from first trackpoint. --maxhdop: Skip all trackpoints whose hdop is greater than given value. --minsat: Skip all trackpoints whose satellite count is less than given value. Note: The time in .gpx files is defined as UTC. If you use the -t or --autotz option, the time is converted to the timezone, but still marked as UTC. The used timezone is noted in the <desc> tag. ChangelogVersion 1.0Note: To see the maximum distance marker in google maps created by previous versions of overview.py, use the new option --force-reload to recreate them.
Version 0.2
Version 0.1
: Undefined variable $show_form in /www/htdocs/v080712/soft/python/locosys_tools.html on line 279
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Stack trace:
#0 /www/htdocs/v080712/soft/python/locosys_tools.html(279): note_footer('e', 'soft/python/loc...', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
#1 {main}
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