
- JWindowsScheduler
- EPGScheduler
- Locosys GT-31/BGT-31 Tools
- Wintec 201 Tools
- Wintec 201 Fileformat
- WebCheck
- Python Codeschnipsel
- Java System Toolkit






WebCheck is a small program which checks web sites for changes and notifies about modified webpages by mail. It's written in Python and is free software released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

It also integrates with Microsoft Internet Explorer. Simply create internet favorites into a webcheck folder and WebCheck monitors them.

Finally it is possible to specify regular expressions for filtering parts of constantly changing webpages.


WebCheck doesn't store copies of the monitored web pages. It retrieves each checked page, skips all html markup leaving only plain text, reduces multiple whitespace characters to one single blank and computes a crc checksum of the resulting string. Only this checksum needs to be stored.


  1. Python 2.2 or later
  2. Modified smtplib.py for smtp server using authentification
  3. timeoutsocket.py
  4. webcheck.py

Links to other webchecking programs and websites

Warning: Undefined variable $show_form in /www/htdocs/v080712/soft/python/webcheck.html on line 187

Warning: Undefined variable $action in /www/htdocs/v080712/soft/python/webcheck.html on line 187

Warning: Undefined variable $name in /www/htdocs/v080712/soft/python/webcheck.html on line 187

Warning: Undefined variable $email in /www/htdocs/v080712/soft/python/webcheck.html on line 187

Warning: Undefined variable $note in /www/htdocs/v080712/soft/python/webcheck.html on line 187

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /www/htdocs/v080712/php/notes.inc:73 Stack trace: #0 /www/htdocs/v080712/soft/python/webcheck.html(187): note_footer('e', 'soft/python/web...', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) #1 {main} thrown in /www/htdocs/v080712/php/notes.inc on line 73